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Interested in Starting a Club at your School?

We're so glad you're interested in starting a Faith Club at your school! We are here to invite, equip, and send you into the school to accomplish just that.


We believe that the best chance for a successful launch of a Faith Club occurs when the Club is backed by the experience, financial support, and resources of Campus Faith Clubs.


Please contact us at to get a Club started at your school.

Our Mission 2


Ministry begins and ends with prayer (Acts 10:4). So it is with the start-up of Campus Faith Clubs (CFC). Flood the Heavens with prayer. Ask moms, dads, students, and prayer warriors to pray that God would open doors to the school to raise up leaders to start a club. 


Enlist the support of organizations starting with your local church, small groups, and Moms in Prayer (


Step 1:


Informational Meeting

Once students, teachers, and a parents have been identified, your next step is to hold an informational meeting. This can be done at school, a coffee shop, or at a parent's home.


Contact us for more details about the info. meeting including agenda and logistics!

Step 2:

Our Mission 2

School Approval

The student, with the support of the teachers and parents, meets with administration.


The more students and teachers who are on board with or supportive of starting a CFC, the greater the opportunity for success! 

Signing a Contract

Step 3:


Lock in the date for the first CFC meeting.


Begin promotion through social media, local churches, word of mouth, flyers, etc.


Don't risk allowing time to pass and lose the momentum that has been acquired up to this point!

Step 4:

Our Mission 2


Boom! You are ready to launch your Campus Faith Club at your school. As easy as five simple steps.


Contact us today to receive training, support, and everything you need to help you get started and have a successful Club.


Step 5:

Join the movement in putting Jesus first at school and create a Campus Faith Club today

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